Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the silence. it's been a long time...but am not finished yet. Hope to come back once a while to update you on my gardening expeditions. see you around.


  1. Hey UG, I've missed you. Hope you are well. Happy New Year!

  2. OIC. Nice to c u again. I've missed your posts and I pray that all will go well for you doing what you need to do. See you back here when you are able. xx

  3. Hi! I wondered where you were, hope all is okay!

  4. Happy new year! Welcome back and hope to hear from you more :-D

  5. I had been wondering about your whereabouts and starting to get a bit worried, but thank god that everything seems okay.
    We will be waiting for your words...

  6. Waiting for the next update!
    Wishing you and your family a happy year 2010 :) I know it is late.. but never late to wish someone!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Come back when you feel like blogging again. Taking time off is good especially if you are busy, or just need time away from it. I actually turned my blog offline for a month and a half and 'thought' I was going to stop blogging all together. Alas, I couldn't bring myself to go through with it. We'll be here when you get back, just as most people were for me. Life does not always permit the time it takes not only to blog, but to visit all of the lovely blogs and bloggers. We just 'hope' they will understand, and 'most', in my case, have. Those who don't, well, I don't concern myself with that;-)

  9. We all need a break at some point of time. Take care. We'll be waiting for your wonderful posts on your garden!

  10. I hope you haven't stopped blogging just when I'm planning to start up again. Your blog is a visual treat!


Thanks for stopping by.